A platform for applied research in the European Union

How can we effectively highlight the interests of applied research within the European Union? Since June of this year, three members of the European Impact team have been actively working on this question for UASNL, a network of 20 Dutch universities of applied sciences. Through practical research and temporarily fulfilling the role of Lobbyist.

What does UASNL do?

As a network of 20 universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, UASNL works to strengthen the European research profile of its members. By having a Liaison Officer stationed in Brussels, this collaborative group is able to increase its visibility and exert influence on European policy. In addition, UASNL works as a knowledge broker in Brussels, collaborating with other European stakeholders.

What do we do?

We are temporarily fulfilling the role of Liaison Officer and Lobbyist for UASNL. This means that we are involved in the communication and lobbying of the interests of universities of applied sciences, such as closely following research and innovation dossiers and contributing to position papers. We also organise working visits to Brussels and manage communication. In addition, we are conducting an evaluation study, for which we are interviewing various internal and external stakeholders.

This combination of activities enables us not only to conduct research in collaboration with the field but also to actively be part of the sector we are working in. The outcomes of our activities will be translated into concrete advice for UASNL, helping them to structure the role of Liaison Officer in the most effective way.

Curious if this approach might also suit the challenges of your company or organisation? Feel free to contact one of our team members, Mendeltje van Keulen, Maaike de Loor or Remmelt de Weerd.

Interested in collaboration?

Contact us for an introductory meeting

Remmelt de Weerd
