Our applied research group Changing Role of Europe at The Hague University of Applied Sciences studies the practical aspects of European professionalism. This page provides an overview of our current research projects.
What skills and knowledge should you have in order to work effectively on European affairs; within a company, in a ministry, or as a diplomat? Our expertise helps a new generation of European professionals.
Our team focuses on disciplines such as public management, business administration, communication and law.
IOB Evaluation: A toolbox to make The Netherlands influential in the EU (again)
In an ever-changing EU political landscape, the political power of member states shifts accordingly. As the responsibilities of the EU increase, member states are trying harder and harder to put their national interests at the top of this agenda. The question arises: How can the Netherlands ensure its problems and interests are heard by the other 26 EU member states?
Effective interest representation in the EU-policy shaping
How do member states exert their influence on the policies made in the European Union? What can the Netherlands do to effectively have its say with the European Commission in the policy-making phase? Our researchers Marije Cornelissen and Vasilis Karakasis delved into the available literature on this topic and published a report with their main findings
A platform for applied research in the European Union
How can we effectively highlight the interests of applied research within the European Union? Since June of this year, three members of the European Impact team have been actively working on this question for UASNL, a network of 20 Dutch universities of applied sciences. Through practical research and temporarily fulfilling the role of Lobbyist.
Jean Monnet Chair EU-ACT DIGITAL, funded by the European Union
Can big tech be controlled? Can the government ensure your bank card stays secure in an e-wallet on your phone? Can algorithms be prevented from discrimination, and social media from being flooded with fake news?
European professionals in the spotlight
Europe takes human work- every day hundreds of professionals in the Netherlands and other EU-member states are busy making and implementing European policies. They play an important role in shaping and carrying out European priorities. With the European Professionals in the Spotlight project, we want to put a face on this fact.
To Brussels and back
For many people, it is difficult to get a grip on the European Union: what is happening there and and how can you influence it? You only need to turn on the television and you will hear politicians claim that 'Brussels' has decided something about our wildlife reserves, the climate or the economy. So it often seems like the EU is taking measures we have no influence over at all. This is not true, but then how does it work?
‘Europe as an opportunity’ – Increasing EU awareness in municipalities
Many municipalities, including those in the Netherlands, find it difficult to get a grip on European opportunities and challenges and to respond to them effectively. Four factors are usually lacking, namely (1) EU-awareness within the organisation, (2) an overarching European long-term strategy or vision within the organisation, (3) a pro-active knowledge sharing and (4) available capacity and resources.
Post from Brussels
Curious about how European developments influence our Dutch parliamentary dossiers? In 'Post from Brussels', Mendeltje van Keulen reveals the important but often overlooked EU dimensions. Read her collection of columns and gain insight into what is missed by the national media.
EU Mobile Citizens – challenges and successes
How do small and medium-sized cities deal with EU mobile citizens? This project focuses on sharing success stories and improving policy areas.
The soft skills of a European professional
What skills should students develop to become successful European professionals? This question lies at the heart of this research project.
The Hague Youth as Global Citizens
How can young people, policymakers, and international institutions in The Hague come closer together around the themes of 'peace, justice, and international cooperation', and what can we achieve with the interaction between these groups?