Policy research and evaluation

One foot in the world of research and education and the other in professional practice: that characterises the team members of European Impact. This bridging function positions us perfectly to apply our knowledge into challenges of professional working practice. We provide this service this for governments, businesses and public interest groups.

How can we organise a good flow of EU information? How can I represent my organisation's interests in Brussels? Which competences do my staff members lack to better engage with European opportunities?

These are some of the questions European Impact has addressed in recent years for the organisation and the public and private sector. We use our broad foundational knowledge of the theory and practice of European work as a starting point. We complement this with an applied research design focused on your case. Our task does not end with the delivery of a research report. We actively engage in the practical development and implementation of research findings in the workplace, or in other words: impact!

This distinguishes us from 'traditional' academic researchers. Knowledge is there to create change, not to end up on a shelf.

Collaborating with European Impact is not just consultancy. It also means making a social contribution to future-proof education. The knowledge gained from our policy research helps to keep educational curricula at The Hague University up to date. In this way, you indirectly contribute to educating a new generation of European professionals with the right knowledge and skills. Together we prepare your employees of the future for the challenges they will encounter in the workplace.

Interested in collaboration?

Contact us for an introductory meeting

dr. Mendeltje van Keulen
